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Starting a NEW Club


Figure what you need to charge for each player.  Be sure to have a contract with your player/parent explaining what you will give the player for their money.


Each player and any adult associated with the team needs to register online.


 All participants will register online. Players will purchase a $10 tryout membership to get them into the system. The clubs will pay the remaining ($40) of the membership fee to Pioneer Region. Adults will pay all of their fee online…membership and background screening.


Memberships are $50 total per player or coach. The coaches and every adult with the team must also have a background screening at a cost of   $14 each season. The $50 pays for the USAV membership plus a secondary medical insurance and proof of insurance for your practice facility if needed for the club.


Any coach will need to do IMPACT training and Safe Sport training online. This is free with the membership fee. Need to be a paid member before starting the courses, or they will charge you a fee. There is a Safe Sport refresher course that must be completed yearly after the initial course is taken. IMPACT is one time only and good for life.


Safe Sport will also be required of all players who are 18 years of age…or will turn 18 during the season.


Head Coaches must be at least 18 years of age.


Mail one check from the club to pay for players ($40 each deducting the $10 tryout fee) with a list of names and DOB. Check is made out to Pioneer Region and mailed to my address below.

Once the club director is registered, if needed, the region can issue insurance certificates for facilities you use for practice. There is no fee for this certificate.



Click or copy the link -below and it will take you to the new club membership site. Fill out the form so you can get your club set up in the Sports Engine system.

Sports Engine will contact you at some point. BE AWARE they will try to sell you a website option. You do not have to purchase anything. So do not feel pressured. The basic registration site is free.


 2024-2025 Pioneer Region - Club Information Form


If you have any questions, please contact

Nancy Funk | | 502-239-1818


2024 Tryout Dates

 First date of tryout for new seasonOctober 26,2024 - 14 and under age group tryouts  November 10, 2024 -15 and above  age groupsThere are variation dates for clubs that border the Ohio Valley Region.Contact Nfunk@twc for any information


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